Spider Lake Golf Resort

Spider Lake Golf Resort

Spider Lake Golf Resort is a beautifully groomed, moderately challenging, user friendly, 9 hole, par 36 course. It welcomes group outings and offers attractive golf packages that include luxury lodging. Let yourself go at Spider Lake Golf Resort... where 9 is enough! www.spiderlakegolfresort.com

11165 W. Elaine Dr., Hayward, WI 54843
Phone number: 
Holes number: 
Golf Course Rates:
9 Holes Weekday Green Fees $14
9 Holes Weekend/Holiday GF $14
18 Holes Weekday Green Fees $23
18 Holes Weekend/Holiday GF $23
Time of Twilight Play after 5pm
Twilight Green Fees $10
Par 36
Maximum Length 3300
Slope/Rating NA
Accommodations on Site Yes
Driving Range No
PGA Professional on Site No
Lessons/Schools No

Stay & Play

Spring & Fall Simply Golf Package includes lodging, unlimited golf, and breakfast.  Weekdays - $79 per person per night, Weekends - $89 per person per night.   ... read more

Golf Courses

Enjoy a pleasurable golfing experience with our historically designed and built golf course out of the 1920's era. Strategically placed along na tional forest and featuring Scottish style... read more